

Celebrating 28 Years of Traditional Aikido!  Special Rates for new Adult and Teen students:

Adult Introductory Series – 3 Month Special Rate $230 for payment through ACH electronic fund transfer* and $190 for 3 months for youth ages 7-12

Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Adult and teenager membership rates includes unlimited classes, 5 days a week. Youth ages 7-12 can attend all of the youth classes (3 times a week).

Regular Monthly Membership Rates

  Electronic Fund Transfer* EFT Increase effective May 1st, 2025
Adult (18years/ unlimited classes) $115 $125
Full Time College Students/Teens $105 $115
Children Ages 7-12 $95 $105
Aikido and Iaido $145 $155

*Note on EFT: Register for our monthly automated debit program from your bank account to Aikido of Champlain Valley. This automated debit can be cancelled anytime during the month with advance notice if you pay a monthly membership; three month introductory special rates are not refundable. Membership rates include annual membership in Birankai North America.

We offer additional family/couples discounts and scholarships for eligible youth ages 7-17. In addition, we offer private lessons with Vermont’s only certified Aikido instructors. For more information, please contact us at 802-951-8900.

Mat fee for visitors from other aikido dojo (mat fee does not apply for prospective students – please watch a class before joining) :

One class: $15
Two classes, same day: $20


All members are encouraged to make a tax deductible contribution to the Youth Program as part of their monthly dues. Your generous donations support the scholarship fund, allowing low income youth to practice aikido.


Membership Application Forms

Adult Application (18+)    Teen Application (12-17 years    Youth Application (7-12 years)